
Our system integration experts have extensive experience with machine vision systems in many industries.

Our solutions of camera systems and applications are often used in car industry (automotive), but we also have experience with other industries such as camera systems for iron and steel industry, heavy manufacturing, plastics industry, electrical engineering industry or production of wafers and semiconductors.

We are not afraid of any challenge!

Control equipment for the manufacture of automotive headlights

Camera systems used for visual inspection during production. The system detects the presence, correctness of parts and completeness of the product during assembly.

Inspection of product assembly and completeness

Camera system for checking the presence and correctness of parts during assembly and completion.

3D visual inspection

3D visual inspection systems for position recognition, qualitative and quantitative object inspection and 3D object reconstruction.

Inspection of dimensions and shape

Visual inspection systems that detect product defects and imperfections at various stages and processes of production.

Vision Guided Robot in 3D

Vision Guided Robots – versatile, flexible and adaptable industrial automation solutions using complex image-guided robotic systems.

Detection and marking identification

Visual inspection systems monitoring the presence of different types of markings – laser markings, etchings, engraved markings, etc.

Inspection of thermal paste or glue and compound application

Camera systems for checking the application quality on the base part on which the electronic part is subsequently deposited. The purpose is to check the amount and distribution of the paste.

Visual inspection in microscopy

Systems for qualitative and quantitative visual microscopy inspection for laboratories, scientific institutes, hospital facilities and industrial microscopy.

Laboratory measurement of material porousness

Complete inspection set-ups consisting of a camera system with lighting, control PC and image evaluation software.

Machine (deep) learning and neural networks

Advanced image analysis using deep learning methods also enables camera inspections in machine vision applications where conventional methods cannot be used.